Colin Overland is Managing Editor of CAR. That, among other things, involves sub-editing the magazine; liasing with the digital team to make CAR's non-print versions happen; making sure the words people and the visuals people are talking to each other; keeping an eye on the global CAR family; and being the link between the editorial team and other departments. He also edited the Electric Cars 2022 bookazine.
Colin first worked on CAR in 2003, but has also been editor of the 4Car website and RiDE magazine, and has stints at Autocar, Motor Cycle News and Classic Bike on his CV.
He's currently saving up to buy a Hyundai Matrix.
Automotive journalistic heroes: Richard Williams, Russell Bulgin, Henry Manney, Peter Egan, Ben Oliver, Jamie Kitman, Mark Walton, Philip Llewellin, Charles Fox, Paul Horrell, Brock Yates, Stephen Bayley… it's no coincidence that a lot of those have written for CAR (or still do).