Naveed Hussain

Naveed Hussain

One of CAR magazine's expert product testers and a fully qualified mechanical engineer to boot

Naveed Hussain is a commercial content writer for CAR magazine and our sister website Parkers – sharing his expertise in automotive products, car care and motoring ephemera. He works with the product team to put car accessories through their paces to help you make a better buying decision.

A trained engineer and passionate car enthusiast, Naveed spent six years studying at university and graduated with a BEng in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Chemical and Process Engineering. This scientific background means you can count on Naveed’s product testing being scrupulously data-driven and impartial.

He has worked for a variety of specialist publishers, including Hotcars and Autoevolution and joined CAR magazine in 2024. He also runs his own Youtube channel in his spare time. 

Naveed’s memorable motoring highlights include chasing the sunlight at John O’Groats when he completed the North Coast 500, taking a car train through the Swiss Alps, and cruising into Las Vegas with the Hangover movie soundtrack playing at the end of an epic road trip.

His best tip for buying motoring products and accessories? ‘The best way to determine if a product is fit for purpose is by consulting those who have purchased it before you – that’s why product reviews are a goldmine when it comes to deciding. Online blogs and other review articles can also be hugely valuable, so don’t neglect them in your research.’

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