Richard Kilpatrick

Richard Kilpatrick

Used cars editor. Questionable taste in cars, music and hairstyles. Wears a lot of black

Richard, also known as Bear, was our used cars editor and left the business in 2024. He’s shocked to admit he’s been writing professionally about technology, photography and cars for more than 35 years (if you want to guess an age, his first solo drive was listening to The Cure’s ‘Wish’).

Cars have been a lifelong obsession, and having owned over 190 of the things Richard has experienced most aspects of the used (and new) car experience, including a couple of years helping sell them from a typical cheap used banger site mostly to get first dibs on the weird ones. What drives the interest? It’s not status or performance, rather the way different cars represent and combine ‘the fundamental interconnectedness of all things’ – motoring is a shared experience, linking almost all modern humanity and yet perceived so differently for each individual: art, engineering, civilisation and philosophy on four wheels.

Richard is currently studying Mandarin, a lifelong ambition that seems more relevant than ever to the automotive industry, and also enjoys writing short stories, composing electronic music, and overthinking everything.

Maintaining everything without resorting to garages unless absolutely desperate, Richard’s need to understand everything has been unwavering since childhood, only defeated by an inability to weld. They have contributed to Sound on Sound, Classic Car Weekly, and British Journal of Photography, consulted on electronic gadget design, and once attempted to fly – but failed to miss the ground, entirely, resulting in a decade of injury and even greater reliance on the car for personal freedom.

Richard hates the self-promotion of writing bios and would rather be putting together your weekly CAR newsletter, used car reviews, and buying guides. If you spot lyrical easter eggs or get earwormed, you can blame Richard directly via X or Instagram.

Below is a list of his latest articles.

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