Send CAR Santa’s sleigh Christmas cards – for free

Updated: 26 January 2015

If you’re anything like us, you’re probably still receiving Christmas cards from people who’ve dropped off your list / memory / ‘I’ve had better things to do these past few weeks’. So if you haven’t already, why not use our free Christmas card service?

CAR has hooked up with some leading automotive car designers in the UK and asked them to produce their brand’s vision of Santa’s sleigh. The results were astonishing, with a fleet of sledges designed with DNA from regal Rolls, nutty Nissan GT-Rs, stately Bentley Contis and fast Ford RS models.

Click here to browse the full artwork – exclusively produced for CAR Online.

We’ve built an e-card service so you can send a choice of the designs to your petrolhead friends electronically. It’s a fiendishly simple service and it takes less than a minute to send a card. There’s no marketing waffle to complete and we promise we won’t use any data supplied for marketing purposes. You can click one box to opt in to our free CAR weekly newsletter and that’s it.

So why not catch up on any last-minute Christmas cards by sending an automotive-themed Santa’s sleigh? Spread a little cheer this Christmas with CAR Online.

>> Click here to send one of CAR’s sleigh e-cards

By Tim Pollard

Director of Content – Digital, car news magnet, crafter of words
