CAR Magazine scoops Britain’s top design prize

Updated: 26 January 2015

CAR Magazine’s design team has won the top accolade at the UK industry’s oscars – the Periodical Publishers Association’s Designer of the Year gong.

Andy Thomas, who led last year’s redesign of CAR with art editor Andy Franklin, collected the prize at the magazine industry’s annual ceremony in the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane, London. CAR is no stranger to the PPA’s top design silverware – we won the same award two years ago.

The judges said the new design ‘complements the positioning of the title as an upmarket glossy for their intelligent and discerning readers’ and went on to praise our ‘stunning photography’, ‘clever use of white space’ and ‘easy-on-the-eye, uncluttered layout’.

CAR Magazine was redesigned in August 2006, when we changed the format of the magazine, put the focus on more intelligent, in-depth articles and removed the data pages to release more space for analysis, drives and features. Our scoops, daily news and GBU data pages are now published exclusively online here at CAR Online.

Editor Phil McNamara said: ‘Winning the PPA’s top design award for two of the past three years is clearly a ringing endorsement for our new design. The feedback from readers has been very positive, too. We’re always going to upset some people when we change our format, but the majority of CAR readers understand our new premium direction.’

What do you think of CAR’s new design? Tell us what you love – and hate – about it by clicking ‘Add comments’ below

By Tim Pollard

Director of Content – Digital, car news magnet, crafter of words
