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Published: 17 January 2024 Updated: 05 February 2024 one of the most visited automotive recreation sites in the UK

  • 8.1 million users users a year¹
  • 20.4 million page views¹
  • 76% male¹
  • 42 average age¹
  • 85% ABC1²
  • Average household income £49k³

Contact us

Amy Wheeler Key Account Director – Display

Claire Meade-Gore Sales Manager – Classified

Did you know?

  • CAR reaches half a million users a month in the UK alone ⁴
  • CAR delivers a wealthy audience (70% more likely to earn in excess of £70,000 than the national average) ⁵
  • The website audience want to get to the top of their career, agree it’s worth paying more for quality goods and like to keep up with tech ⁵

Data sources

¹ Google Analytics, 2023
² Bauer Research 2024
³ GB TGI, December 2023
 Ipsos Iris average monthly users for the 12 months to Oct 2023 – includes website and distributed content
⁵ UK website users October 23

By Ben Miller

The editor of CAR magazine, story-teller, average wheel count of three