Photo of the week (2008): Ferrari California crossed up | CAR Magazine

Photo of the week: Ferrari California crossed up

Published: 20 October 2008 Updated: 26 January 2015

Does the new Ferrari California drive like a real Ferrari should? Road test editor Chris Chilton tested the California V8 last week and thought it a brilliantly judged new addition to the Ferrari range (read his review here).

But our eyes opened wider when an email landed today with a photo of European correspondent Georg Kacher behind the California’s wheel and clearly enjoying – in the interests of research – a touch of oversteer on the slippy-slidey roads of Sicily.

We thought it worth publishing this shot to capture the drama of the moment alone. And big Georg caught the slide, we’re glad to report. The California was returned to Ferrari in one piece…

Make sure you buy the new December 2008 issue of CAR Magazine – out next week on 29 October – to read our definitive 10-page, 3000-word review and stunning photoshoot of the Ferrari California

By Tim Pollard

Group digital editorial director, car news magnet, crafter of words
