A new year’s message | CAR Magazine

A new year's message to all our readers

Published: 31 December 2017 Updated: 31 December 2017

 New year’s greetings
 Thanks for your support!
 CAR in rude health

All the team at CAR magazine wish our readers a very happy new year. We’re grateful for your support in 2017 and look forward to more motoring adventures in 2018 and beyond.

We’ve enjoyed a great year and our audience numbers have grown strongly: CAR magazine has never enjoyed a wider readership, across our print, digital and social channels.

Online, 12 million of you visited this site in 2017 and page views jumped by 44% – our articles and reviews were read 41 million times this year. And you’re an engaged audience: you’re spending 44% longer reading our stories than you did the previous year.

Reaching more people than ever before

Meanwhile, on social media CAR now has a following that dwarfs many rivals’, with 1.1 million fans on our Facebook page and 173,000 followers on Twitter. You can also now follow us on Instagram, a platform we’ve joined recently.

So thank you for your support. We always listen to feedback provided in comments below our stories, on email and via social channels. We have exciting plans to keep developing CAR magazine in print, online and other emerging platforms. Do comment below to say what you’d like to see more (and less) of in the year ahead. 

So stay tuned for lots more quality coverage in 2018. Happy new year!

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