CAR magazine has launched its new monthly iPad edition. It’s the director’s cut, featuring everything the magazine is famous for, plus much, much more, including exclusive videos, dozens of extra pictures, sound clips, detailed technology, interactive features, extra content…
Our FREE sampler download gives a taste of what’s in the full issue, which is available for £3.99. If you like what you see, you can subscribe to the iPad edition of CAR magazine for our best deals.
Don’t forget you can also read CAR magazine on our replica digital editions for Google Play, Nook and Kobo e-readers. This is the full print magazine in a page-turning PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions: the CAR magazine app
Where can I download the app? You can download the app from the Apple Newsstand or App Store. Search for ‘CAR magazine app’
What’s in the iPad edition? The change to CAR iPad edition includes the full print issue of CAR magazine. Plus, each edition contains extra photos, galleries, new videos and exclusive content
Does the monthly issue expire? No. Once you purchase an issue you will have access to it for as long as you keep the CAR iPad edition