Happiness is a Jaguar XJ6 Coupé, says Michael J. Scott | CAR Magazine

Happiness is a Jaguar XJ6 Coupé, says Michael J. Scott

Published: 01 July 2010 Updated: 26 January 2015

My first Jaguar experience was with the purchase of an XJ6 Coupe which I bought because I thought it was very elegant. 

The 4.2 straight six never failed to impress in the way the car just disappeared over the horizon in plush silence (apart from some wind noise from the door seals) and I loved the drama of opening two petrol caps and pumping in fuel from both sides of the car.

After long fast drives to southern Germany I always arrived as fresh as when I started out. The car attracted admiring interest from everyone including little old ladies!

Later XJ models continued the four-times-per-year comfortable fast drive to Germany over the years and to the amazement of my sceptical European friends not once did I suffer a mechanical or electrical problem. Happy days…

Reader's article

By Michael J. Scott
