Europe’s most congested cities revealed | CAR Magazine

Europe’s most congested cities revealed

Published: 12 July 2012 Updated: 26 January 2015

► Britain’s traffic jam hotspots revealed
► TomTom reveals its findings
► Congestion listings tell all

Drivers in Yorkshire face a delay of 36 minutes for every hour they drive in peak periods, according to a new study by sat-nav firm TomTom. It’s enough to make Leeds-Bradford the seventh most traffic clogged city in Europe.

The most congested cities in Britain

While Leeds-Bradford was labelled the most congested city in Britain, the report also identified London and Birmingham as traffic hotspots. Both are in the worst congested 20 cities of the 31 analysed.

Motorists in Birmingham spend 73 hours a year at a standstill and London drivers fare slightly worse, spending 74 hours caught in rush-hour. However, Leeds-Bradford trumps them both – drivers in Yorkshire spend an astonishing 86 hours a year stuck in traffic. 

And the traffic’s getting worse in Yorkshire. Since last year there has been a 5% increase in congestion – the biggest rise anywhere in Europe.

On average, all cities analysed suffer from congestion 24% of the time, slowing journeys substantially in the rush hours.

Congestion spikes

There are even certain days when misery for motorists is ramped up further. Leeds-Bradford and Birmingham’s worst congestion periods strike on Tuesday and Thursday, especially at peak times. But TomTom records suggest Monday and Thursday are worst in London.

The top 10 most congested cities in Europe, ranked by overall congestion level

1. Warsaw 42% congestion level 
2. Marseille 41%
3. Rome 34%
4. Brussels 34%
5. Paris 32%
6. Dublin 30%
7. Leeds-Bradford 28%
8. London 27%
9. Stockholm 27%
10. Hamburg 27%

>>Do you suffer with traffic gridlock on a daily basis? Share your stories in the comments below
