The Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe is a £296,500 luxury two-door for the (exceptionally) upwardly mobile. And the Bentley Brooklands is a £230,00 luxury two-door. Both are British-built, German-owned and exquisitely crafted coupes. But if you had £200k-plus to spend, which would you pick?
In the September 2008 issue of CAR Magazine, our European correspondent Georg Kacher pits the Phantom Coupe against the Brooklands to answer that very question. Click here for a preview of the magazine.
To see video of the Phantom Coupe in action, click here. To read our first drive review of the Rolls, click here.

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Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe; CAR Magazine; cars; coupe; Rolls-Royce; phantom; rolls-royce phantom coupe; 2007’s best new cars face off to decide CAR of the Year. On the shortlist are two sensational sports cars – the Audi R8 and BMW M3 – brilliant family cars from Ford and Mercedes, plus the little Fiat 500 and large Rolls-Royce Drophead Coupe.; Car of the Year 2007; automotive; fiat 500; Rolls-Royce Player