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Merc SLS spotted by reader in southern Spain

Updated: 26 January 2015

CAR reader heronmarketing got more than they bargained for when visiting the Spanish town of Zurgena recently – when a brace of Merc SLS supercars came burbling through the village.

Over to you heronmarketing: ‘The peaceful tranquility of a Sunday morning in the quaint village of Zurgena, Almeria, southern Spain was shattered by the deep burbling of, not one, but two heavily disguised Mercedes SLS prototypes creeping into the village square. 

‘The locals didn’t bat an eyelid as they sat at the cafe tables drinking their morning coffee. It is obviously a common sight to have exotic cars in the village, as two days earlier the same place was occupied by two Porsche Panameras.

‘By the time I had returned with my camera the drivers were nowhere to be seen – giving me the chance to creep around the corner and fire off these shots in the bright sunlight, the black cladding contrasting starkly against the whitewashed walls of the village houses.’

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By Tim Pollard

Group digital editorial director, car news magnet, crafter of words
